Reasonable Performance

You already know how to parse by hand

October 31, 2022

An article was published in /r/rust a couple weeks ago, Parsing With Nom, a blog post explaining how to use nom to create a parser for a data format in the BitTorrent protocol called Bencode. Nom is a Rust library that provides parser combinators, small functions that provide simple parsing capabilities and which can be combined together to form functions that can parse more complex input.

The article praises nom for being an easy way to write parsers for people who don’t have a CS degree and who haven’t dedicated the time and effort needed to read the 200 pages of parsing material in the Dragon Book. That characterization of parsing saddened me; parsers are super useful, they should be part of every programmer’s toolbox, and it’s a shame that their reputation as being hard discourages programmers from learning to write them. It’s especially sad, since writing a parser requires only basic programming concepts: functions, loops, ifs, arrays, structs, and recursion.

Parsing appears difficult because there are indeed 200 pages of dense theoretical concepts in the Dragon Book. Academics don’t make it appear any easier: to sound authoritative and learned, they use technical terms, like LR(1), LL(k), ε-closures, start sets, shift-reduce conflicts, etc. further reinforcing the impression that parsing is a complex matter better left to people who have the proper training.

Fortunately, most of what a working programmer who wants to convert text to an in-memory data structure is learned in Programming for Dummies. To support this claim, I will demonstrate writing a parser for the Bencode format—the same one as in the nom article—using only programming constructs that you are already familiar with. By the end of this article, you will find that there is nothing especially hard, technical, or scary about writing parsers and you’ll know how to create one yourself.

The data types

A parser needs two main pieces of information: the data to be parsed (bytes or tokens) and the position of the current piece of data to be analyzed. For Bencode, I start with a struct containing two fields: a vector of bytes and an index in that vector. If more data needed to be tracked, such as line numbers, column numbers, list of errors, etc., the Parser struct would be a good place to store them, but for this simple parser, we won’t bother with other information.

pub struct Parser {
    buf: Vec<u8>,
    pos: usize,

impl Parser {
    pub fn new(buf: Vec<u8>) -> Parser {
        Parser { buf, pos: 0 }

We also need a data structure that will be returned by the parsing methods. In the literature, this is called an abstract syntax tree—an AST. In Rust, it’s typical to use an enum to represent an AST.

#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum BValue {
    Dict(Vec<(String, BValue)>),

Notice how our AST has cases for each of the Bencode value types: integers, strings, lists, and dictionaries. That’s typical: we want the AST to closely mirror specification.

Finally, we need a type for reporting errors. Since this is a simple parser, we’ll use String as our error type. A more involved parser would likely use an enum to explicitly list the different kinds of parsing errors that can occur.

type Error = String;

Utility methods

Next, we add a few utility methods to our parser. There are typically two kinds of methods in a parser: parsing methods which know how to parse a small part of the language—we’ll start writing those in the next section—and utility methods which are used by the parsing methods. Here are the four utility methods we’ll use.

(A parser for a more complex language would have more utility methods, such as skip_spaces() or report_error() to avoid some tedium, but I’d expect to find our four methods in all parsers.)

impl Parser {
    fn peek(&self) -> u8 {
        if self.pos >= self.buf.len() {
            return 0;
        } else {
            return self.buf[self.pos];

    fn advance(&mut self) -> u8 {
        let b = self.peek();
        if b != 0 {
            self.pos += 1;
        return b;

    fn expect(&mut self, expected: u8) -> Result<(), Error> {
        let actual = self.advance();
        if actual != expected {
            return Err(format!(
                "syntax error: expected {:?}, found {:?}",
                expected as char, actual as char
        return Ok(());

    fn eof(&self) -> bool {
        return self.peek() == 0;

And that’s it, we have all the building blocks needed to write our parser. The rest of the parser will be built on top of these utility methods and will use the programming constructs that you’ve been familiar with since you started programming.

The parsing functions

Predicting the kind of data to read

Our first parsing method guides the parsing process: it peeks the current byte in the input to decide how to proceed. In parser jargon, this is called a predictive parser. This is a simple and easy-to-understand strategy; it doesn’t always work (what if we can’t tell just from the next byte what to do?), but when it does we should use it.

impl Parser {
    fn parse_value(&mut self) -> Result<BValue, Error> {
        match self.peek() {
            b'i' => return self.parse_int(),
            b'l' => return self.parse_list(),
            b'd' => return self.parse_dict(),
            b'0'..=b'9' => return self.parse_str(),
            c => {
                return Err(format!("parse value: invalid initial byte {:?}", c as char));

If the parser is currently looking at the letter 'i', we parse an integer and return its AST (or its error); if the parser is looking at a 'l' or 'd' we parse a list or a dictionary, respectively; if the next character is a digit, we parse a string; finally, if we see anything else, we report an error.


Now that we have parse_value to guide the parsing, we need to fill in the other parsing methods. The first one we’ll tackle is parse_int. In Bencode, integers look like this:

# General form

# Examples
i0e    (0)
i-3e   (-3)
i999e  (999)

Our strategy for parsing will be:

impl Parser {
    fn parse_int(&mut self) -> Result<BValue, Error> {

        let mult: i64 = if self.peek() == b'-' {
        } else {

        let start_pos = self.pos;
        let mut value: i64 = 0;
        while !self.eof() && self.peek().is_ascii_digit() {
            let b = self.advance();
            value = value * 10 + (b - b'0') as i64;

        if self.pos == start_pos {
            return Err(String::from("invalid integers: no digits"));

        return Ok(BValue::Int(mult * value));

I think it’s pretty straight-forward; nothing that anyone would claim requires a CS degree or having read the Dragon Book.

Not very hard and it will correctly parse Bencode integers, just like the nom version.


Next up, string. They have the following format:

# General form

# Examples
0:        ("")
3:foo     ("foo")
3:foobar  ("foo")

As with integers, we’ll only need our small utility methods glued with some loops and if statements.

impl Parser {
    fn parse_str(&mut self) -> Result<BValue, Error> {
        let mut len: usize = 0;
        while !self.eof() && self.peek().is_ascii_digit() {
            let b = self.advance();
            len = len * 10 + (b - b'0') as usize;


        let mut buf = String::new();
        for _ in 0..len {
            let b = self.advance();
            if b == 0 {
                return Err(String::from("invalid string: reached EOF"));
            buf.push(b as char);
        return Ok(BValue::Str(buf));

Two parsing functions down, two more to go.

Lists and dictionaries

Let’s tackle lists and dictionaries at the same time. Their definitions will be recursive: they will read values by calling parse_value. Recursion can be scary sometimes, but as we’ll see, it makes the parsing methods very short.

impl Parser {
    fn parse_list(&mut self) -> Result<BValue, Error> {
        let mut values: Vec<BValue> = Vec::new();
        while !self.eof() && self.peek() != b'e' {
        return Ok(BValue::List(values));

    fn parse_dict(&mut self) -> Result<BValue, Error> {
        let mut values: Vec<(String, BValue)> = Vec::new();
        while !self.eof() && self.peek() != b'e' {
            let key = self.parse_str()?;
            let value = self.parse_value()?;
            if let BValue::Str(key) = key {
                values.push((key, value));
            } else {
                return Err(String::from("invalid dict: keys must be strings"));
        return Ok(BValue::Dict(values));

Let’s focus on parse_list, since it’s the simpler of the two. We use expect to consume the opening 'l'. After we see the opening 'l' (technically, since parse_value already saw the 'l', it would be correct to use advance(); I just like that the code for parsing a list shows the full structure of what a list looks like), we loop until EOF or until we peek an 'e', and each time we call parse_value() to get the next element from the list and store it in a vector. This is the power of recursion: we could have lists within lists and this code would work correctly. (We’d only get into trouble if the input had very deeply nested lists and blew the stack.)

For dictionaries, it’s the same thing: we use parse_str() to read the key and parse_value to read the value.

Putting a bow on it

At this point, we got a fully functional parser. We can now add one method to wrap it nicely. The parse() method will be our entry point; it will call parse_value() to get a Bencode value and then ensure that there’s no extra garbage in the input.

impl Parser {
    pub fn parse(&mut self) -> Result<BValue, Error> {
        let value = self.parse_value()?;
        if self.eof() {
            return Ok(value);
        } else {
            return Err(String::from("garbage at the end of the input string"));

And there we go, a complete parser in about 150 lines of simple, beginner-level code! No need for an extra dependency, no need to learn yet another API, no need to remember the intricacies of closures in Rust. Just plain old, boring code.

Pros and cons

Now, let’s talk about the pros and cons of writing your own parser by hand. This is computer science after all, which means that there’s no One Solution To Rule Them All, only trade-offs to be weighed. Let’s start with the cons.

And the pros of the hand-written approach.

Whether a hand-written parser or a library is preferable will depend on the project, but also on what you value.


You can see the whole parser in the Rust playground.

If you started reading this post thinking that parsing was difficult and needed specialized tools, I hope that this wall of text (and code) has helped you see that it’s actually much simpler and easier than it might appear. Of course, there are languages that are harder to parse than others and which will require more effort. Bencode was relatively easy, but other languages might require more involved techniques, e.g., if we can’t predict the next parsing method to call from just looking at the current byte, we may need to use a backtracking algorithm, which is harder, but in general, you’ll probably find that predictive, recursive-descent parser are more often applicable than they are insufficient.