For one of my projects at work, I thought I could reduce memory usage
by storing vectors of sorted integers as vectors of ranges. For
example, the vector [1,3,4,5,10,14,15,16,17,18]
would be represented
by [1, 3..5, 10, 14..18]
(Spoiler: the memory usage was higher because there weren’t enough runs of consecutive numbers to offset the cost of using 8 bytes rather than 4 bytes for single numbers.)
I quickly wrote a Rust function to convert a slice of u32s to a vector of ranges.
type Range = (u32, u32);
/// Returns the shortest vector of ranges that covers `xs`.
/// The argument `xs` should (1) be sorted, (2) contain no dupes.
/// If `xs` respects (1) and (2), then the following invariant holds:
/// expand(&to_ranges(&xs)) == xs
pub fn to_ranges(xs: &[u32]) -> Vec<Range> {
let mut v: Vec<Range> = Vec::new();
if xs.is_empty() {
return v;
let mut start_idx = 0;
for idx in 1 .. xs.len() {
if xs[idx] != xs[idx-1] + 1 {
v.push( (xs[start_idx], xs[idx-1]) );
start_idx = idx;
v.push( (xs[start_idx], xs[xs.len() - 1]) );
return v;
Array indices can be hard to get right, and anything more complex than a simple for loop and I start doubting myself and I wonder if there’s a subtlety I’ve gotten wrong. My code seems to work, but I’m afraid that it could blow up at the worst possible time. I’m sure it’s a feeling shared by many programmers.
To give us more confidence, we write unit tests. We prepare carefully
crafted inputs and we write down their expected outputs; we pass the
inputs to our function, and we ensure that our predicted outputs match
the actual outputs. Here’s a unit test for to_ranges
fn manual_tests() {
assert_eq!(vec![(1,1), (3,3), (5,5)], to_ranges(&[1,3,5]));
assert_eq!(vec![(1,4)], to_ranges(&[1,2,3,4]));
vec![(1,1), (3,5), (10,10), (14,18)],
Is this sufficient? I don’t know. All the tests pass, but there are only 4, that’s not very much. Maybe there’s a condition that’s not tested here? Maybe I subconsciously avoided an edge case? We wanted to increase our confidence in our code, but we’ve only increased our self-doubt!
Property testing is just another tool in the testing toolbox, but it’s one that can increase our confidence in our code. Rather than test a function in a case-by-case fashion, we instead write properties: we express relationships that exist between all inputs and their outputs. We then let a generator feed hundreds, even thousands of test cases to our function and verify that our properties hold.
The property for to_ranges
is given in its doc-comment: if an acceptable
input—a slice of sorted u32s with no duplicates—is given, then we should
be able to “expand” the output and obtain the input again. This is a common
pattern in property testing.
Using the proptest crate, I create a simple property and I ask the proptest runner to generate 5000 inputs and ensure that the property hold.
use proptest::prelude::*;
use proptest::test_runner::Config;
pub fn expand(ranges: &[Range]) -> Vec<u32> {
let mut v: Vec<u32> = Vec::new();
for (start, end) in ranges {
v.extend(*start ..= *end);
return v;
proptest! {
fn prop_to_ranges(bset in prop::collection::btree_set(any::<u32>(), 0 .. 1000)) {
let input: Vec<u32> = bset.into_iter().collect();
let output: Vec<u32> = expand(&to_ranges(&input));
prop_assert_eq!(&input[..], &output[..]);
(I use the generator for BTreeSet<u32>
to obtain a sorted set of
u32s and then convert to a Vec<u32>
. I think it’s simpler than
generating a vector, sorting it, and de-duplicating it.)
With not very many lines of code, I’m able to greatly increase my confidence
that I didn’t mess up the indexes in to_ranges
. It’s still possible that
there’s something wrong that my property test missed, but it would be much
less likely that a bug was present in code that was tested 5000 times than
in code that was tested 4 times.
Property tests are a great addition to your testing toolbox. A recent book by Fred Hébert, Property-Based Testing with PropEr, Erlang, and Elixir, offers a great and approachable introduction to property testing using tools for Erlang and Elixir. Although the book is mostly targeted at programmers of these two communities, there is enough language-agnostic advice to make it a good purchase for anyone interested in using property testing to make their programs more robust.